Memopark white paper (global)

With the development of society, the progress of science and technology, the popularity of 4G / 5G, the explosive growth of mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, science and technology has penetrated into all aspects of life and is changing and subverting people's cognition, concept and lifestyle. The era of all things on the Internet has already arrived.

There is a saying that people's death is divided into three stages, the cardiac arrest means physical death, the end of funeral means social death, and the last death is forgotten by the last person in the world.

The pursuit of immortality is the eternal good wish of mankind. However, life is limited, and no one who borrows from heaven for another 500 years has realized it. Looking back on history, few people can leave stories and works. They are outstanding representatives of mankind. Their stories and works affect the development of future generations, ethnic groups, human beings and society; Then these people who are not forgotten by the world have achieved immortality.

Today, we have a fast pace and a long journey. Everyone is working hard for our dreams. We don't know which one will come first, tomorrow or accident. Looking back on the past, we can see that time is getting shorter and life is precious.

Everyone has his body and soul, and everyone also has material assets and spiritual assets. In history, people around the world paid more attention to and owned material assets, despised or did not own spiritual assets. This situation is different today. With the continuous development of Internet mobile Internet value Internet, digital photo albums, videos, social networks, personal blogs, With the development of digital currency, every citizen has rich digital assets, which belong to both individuals and society, and are an important part of social wealth. When everyone leaves, the treatment of these digital assets and spiritual wealth has become a social blind spot and pain point. When friends on QQ, wechat, microblog, youtube, twitter, Facebook and tiktok stop updating, their avatars turn grey, they lose contact, and they may never reply to information again, they are both sad and helpless.

Today, with the birth of memopark, the era of burying yourself on the Internet has officially arrived. Virtual you, digital you and AI you will be preserved and spread forever. Your will, logical thinking and wills will be continued and carried out. You will never be forgotten but live forever. Memopark (memo) vision: to commemorate the ordinary and great, for everyone not to be forgotten ~


1 Project progress


IOS Huawei oppo Xiaomi vivo app

The second version of APP has been developed: new functions such as anniversary reminder, mapping, two-dimensional code, label, Memorial Museum internal and external chain works regularly open (time machine), external chain works (Multimedia) flash lock public chain address, etc. Download address:

Digital assets: the official release of memo in wave field, with 12000 account numbers of coin users and 27000 + registered users of app, are all real and effective users

Community Construction: there are 16 independent groups and more than 100 related groups

App launched IOS, Huawei, oppo, Xiaomi, vivo, Tencent, etc

Memopark is also considering how to adapt to the integration of flash exchange and exchange in app

The whole process of memopark (memo) participates in the ecological construction of memopark app, which can be used to build a memorial hall inside the app, send gifts, reward, send red envelopes to future generations, map, remind of anniversaries, open time machine, ai3d immortality, join Celebrity Garden, decorate memorial hall, read autobiography, earn copyright fees, shopping mall consumption, mining, transfer, flash cash, Lock, advanced certification, etc

In the future, we will all bury ourselves in the virtual parallel space. This is the forever home. As long as the world is still there, we will always walk with the world. The grand vision breeds the grand market opportunities. There are different opinions on whether 10 billion or 100 billion or trillions of markets. Sima Cong's foresight and sagacity is on the way to release memopark1.0-memopark2.0, At this moment, fate and we rub shoulders, whether willing to go together, together to change the world, achievements in the future.


2 App + blockchain (application market)


1. Two thousand years ago, historical records was born, and a thousand years ago, Zizhitongjian was born; Memopark was born for a great ideal. Passing away is not the end. Being forgotten is. Memopark is for everyone not to be forgotten

The Millennium masterpiece relies on the support of Sima's great figures and the royal family. Today, the level of human civilization is higher, and the ways of cooperation are more diversified and efficient. There are Alibaba's partner system, Huawei's employee stock ownership, Nakamoto's geek spirit miner governance, and Ethereum's blockchain 2.0 community governance; In a word, great ideals need great teamwork to complete; We think a lot about how to cooperate with memopark on the premise of creating great value, completing great works, not cutting leeks and never breaking the law.

Blockchain, the era of value Internet, the era when a white paper can finance and cut leeks, and who can not forget the original intention and keep the original intention? Memopark has no private placement, no ICO, and no financing. The founding team has made great efforts to support and make continuous efforts to implement the project, complete the second generation change, launch all application markets, and reach nearly 50000 registered users.

Because app2.0 has been completed, capital is not the most urgent need of memopark; At present, memopark has been launched and everything is ready. Only Dongfeng is needed. Memopark needs to take a new road. Mining memo in app and 1:1 corresponding token assets in the chain will promote the ecological development of memopark (Memorial Park).

"Memorial Park" app has been launched in all mobile phone application markets in China. The next step is to develop a multilingual version to explore the global market.

Memopark (memo) assets have been issued on the wave field chain, which can be freely circulated and traded.


3 Issue method


Because the global population is more than 7 billion, and the number of people who will die and reproduce will be far more than 21 billion. At the same time, in honor of Mr. Nakamoto, the total circulation of memopark (memo) is 21 billion, and the official commitment of the project is 2.1 billion. If the market price in the later period doubles relative to the first rebate and remains stable for one month, the circulation will increase by 100 million, the more expensive the price is, the more the circulation will be, and the maximum circulation will be 2.1 billion.

1) Memopark (memo) plans to issue 21 billion yuan in multiple public chains, with the maximum circulation of 2.1 billion yuan.

2) The first issue is in the wave field. The address of the issue is: ts3hjbmhhuzsdbcnbfgetrxtw1t4ajjy9. The issue is 7 billion and the circulation is 100 million

3) Memopark (memo) will continue to issue RMB 14 billion on Ethereum, BSC and heco as appropriate, but it will not affect the circulation. The total maximum circulation is RMB 2.1 billion.

4) Taking 0.01usdt as the benchmark, if the price increases twice and lasts for one month, the circulation will increase by 100 million. If the price does not increase, the circulation will not increase (the world's first issuance method).

5) Mining within the app includes registration mining, invitation mining, mapping mining, lock mining, answer mining, memorial building mining, etc. mining within 5000 belongs to small property rights, which can be freely used within the app. For those over 5000, they can freely withdraw money to the chain for circulation and trading within the app. The standard of 5000 will gradually drop to the bottom (now it has been reduced to 4950).

6) With 10000 users as the benchmark, the difficulty of inviting, answering questions and building a memorial hall will be doubled every 10 times the number of users.


4 Disclaimer


1. I believe that the historical and social feelings and lofty goals of Mr. Sima Cong, the founder of memopark, and the founding team of memopark will make continuous efforts for memopark and create value to repay the society.

2. Memopark is a great social practice. Although the vision is great and beautiful, it still needs time, place and people to realize. Participants understand the risks and the possibility of failure. Regardless of the success or failure of memopark, participants and participants are willing to accept it, I believe that memopark will succeed with the continuous efforts of its founder, Mr. Sima Cong, the founding team and global participants, and achieve the Millennium work memopark.















每一个人都拥身体和灵魂,每一个人也都拥有物质产和精神产,历史上,全球老百姓更多重视和拥有物质产,轻视不拥有精神产,这种情况今天已经不同了,随着互联网-移动互联网-价值互联网不断发展,数字相册视频,社交网络,个人博客,数字货币的发展, 每一个老百姓都拥有丰富的数字资产,这些资产既属于个人,也属于社会,是社会财富重要组成部分。当每一个人离去,这些数字资产,精神财富的处理已成为一个社会盲点痛点,当 QQ,微信,微博,youtube,TwitterFacebookTikTok好友停止更新、头像变灰、失去联系、或许再也不回复信息时,既是伤感,也是无奈。



APP第一版上线应用市场:ios 华为 oppo 小米 vivo 应用宝

APP第二版开发完成:新增了记忆日提醒、映射、二维码、标签  记忆馆内外链作品定时公开(时光机) 外链作品(多媒体) 闪兑 锁仓 公链地址 等功能。下载地址:





APP内部为积分,链上为token资产,memopark(memo)全流程参与memopark APP生态建设,可用于APP内部建记忆馆,送礼物,打赏,给子孙后代发红包,映射,记忆日提醒,开启时光机,AI3D永生,加入名人名园,装修记忆馆,阅读自传,赚取版权费用,商城消费,挖矿,转账,闪兑,锁仓,高级认证等...




千年大作依靠司马氏伟大人物和皇家资助完成,今天,人类文明程度更高,协作方式更加多元高效,有阿里的合伙人制度,有华为的员工持股,有中本聪的极客精神矿工治理,有以太坊的区块链2.0 社区治理;总而言之,伟大的理想需要伟大的团队协作才能完成;memopark怎么样去协作完成,在创造伟大价值、完成伟大作品、不割韭菜、绝不违法的前提之下,我们思考了许多。







1)      memopark(memo)计划多公链发行210亿,最大流通量为21亿。

2)      首期在波场上memopark(memo)发行地址:TS3hJBMhhuZSDbcnbFfgEtrxTW1T4Ajjy9 发行70亿,流通1亿。(

3)      memopark(memo) 视情况会在以太坊、BSCHECO上继续发行140亿,但是不影响流通量,合计最高流通量为21亿memopark(memo)

4)      0.01USDT为基准,每涨价一倍,持续时间一个月,则流通量增加1亿,不涨价则不增加流通量(全球首创的发行方式)。

5)      app内挖矿包括,注册挖矿,邀请挖矿,映射挖矿,锁仓挖矿,答题挖矿,建记忆馆挖矿等,挖矿5000以内属于小产权,供APP内自由使用,大于5000部分可自由提币到链上流通和APP内交易,5000的标准会逐步降底(目前已经降为4950)。

6)      以一万用户为基准,用户每增加10倍,(十万,百万,千万,亿,十亿,百亿)邀请、答题、建记忆馆的挖难度增加一倍。



1.      相信memopark创始人司马聪先生和memopark创始团队的历史社会情怀和高远目标,会为memopark持续不断的努力,并创造价值回报社会。

2.      memopark是一个伟大的社会实践,愿景虽然伟大而美好,仍需天时地利人和方能实现,参与人员明白其中的风险和失败的可能,不管memopark成功或失败,参与人和参与人集体都愿意接受,并相信memopark会在创始人司马聪先生和创始团队以及全球参与者一起持续努力之下取得成功,成就千年作品《memopark》。